I am Louay Oudi, a self taught full-stack developer based in Tunisia. My hunger for knowledge pushed me to this programming path and I fell in love with it, I am a smart hustler, a problem solver and a team worker, passionate about progress and a productivity addict, I'm a fan of Calisthenics and indoor activities that's why remote employment is preferred. Will happily work on ambitious projects with positive people

I know all the necessary Html 5 practices and tags to create SEO friendly websites and to maximize business growth.


Advanced understanding of CSS, enough that I created this website in pure CSS, I also know CSS libraries and extensions like Sass, Bootstrap and Tailwind.


Advanced understanding of Javascript, in fact this website was made using only Vanilla Javascript and no frameworks, I have decent understanding of Javascript OOP and Functional Programming also I know Es6+ best practices and implementations. I also know how to utilize a wide variety of Javascript libraries to make the development process faster.


Coming from a C# background, I learned Angular and fell in love with it, the OOP implementations were simular to what there is in .NET aswell as other features, I can use Angular services, components and interceptors properly to make an independant infrastructure, I also know how to optimize the user's experience on an Angular app via implementing concepts and libraries like Lazy Loading, Toastr and Loading Indicators.


Being a loyal fan of .NET, I adore this technologie the most, I can use Asp .NET 3 + to build REST APIs, I also use Asp .NET identity to implement Authentication and Authorization as well as OAuth integration, I use JWT to transfer claims between the Client and the Server, I also implement security concepts like Server Side Validation and Data transfer Objects, therefore creating a strong security barrier against hackers. I also got understanding of other Back-End technologies, like SignalR and Redis

